What We Do For You
Providing Academic Support and Over-site Of Students while Supporting Parents
1:1 60 Minute Coaching Sessions
1) Working with parents and students (and their teachers if necessary) who attend private schools, charter schools, and public schools providing weekly support academically as well as organizationally. This model includes sessions that are twice weekly and may involve one or more content area(s) or it may be oversight of the general educational experience and assist in progress monitoring and communicating with parents or on the behalf of parents.
Small-Group (Same GE Age) Instruction
2) We can provide subject instruction in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies for same-age peers:
Primary-aged groups (K-3), Elementary-aged group (4-5), and Middle School 6-8 aged group. We can also support students on High School Credit Recovery Programs or bridging an Honors Class oversite is also available upon request. Hours vary from two to three hours.
Hybrid or Distance Learning Support With Zoom Platform or In-Person Learning
Curriculum Development: W.C.S.D or Individualized
4) If parents choose to homeschool, we can build and develop a curriculum and submit an Intent to Homeschool plan to Washoe County School District. I provide continual guidance, resources needed through the process and also provide the curriculum and tools for parents and their children. There is a cost for the curriculum and it usually involves, textbooks, consumables, and licenses to Educational Sites.
In-Person Homeschool Instruction
5) We can provide direct Homeschool Instruction in our classroom. This model includes academically coaching two to three hours four days a week. The additional hours' parents administer on Friday. This represents a five-day school week. Friday's course work can be completed on a Saturday or Sunday if necessary.
What We Can Do Individually For Our Parents and Students:
Episodic Coaching
All parents want their children to feel joyful and happy about learning. When a parent or grandparent is aware their child is not meeting their full potential, they often feel helpless. Many times what is needed is they just need a little support and guidance for the student to move forward confidently and successfully.
Student-Specific Work Plans Based on Educational Reports and Goal Setting:
Short term (Summer Program) June 10th via Aug. 2020. or Aug. 2021 through Aug. 2022 school calendar year model offers an individualized program where Academic Coaching marries school and areas that are deficit areas are addressed and strengths are celebrated and used as foundation for further growth.
Analyzing MAPS reports parents have been given so that both students and parents understand their specific performance and the subset skills needing development. Oftentimes, this is managed by requesting a specific report from your child's
For interested parents, I am able to administer hard copy assessments (DRA’s) (Singapore Math Placement) to establish levels, further clarify strengths, challenges, and help us set student-specific goals that can be progress-monitored. The results seen include a hard copy of the test and the test-taking process, not just the end result. Using this model, the student visually can witness his own academic growth.
Baseline Assessments using Digital Licenses: IXL.com K-12 (math language arts, science and social studies, Aleks Grade 5-12th Math, English, Dreambox K-8, Education.com Pre-K- 5
Curriculum Advisement
Educational Coaching addresses building good thinking skills and habits. Ed Coaching builds positive communication and self-respect for the individual child. As your Ed Coach, we will make recommendations suggest guidelines, products, or mention avenues of direction or organization that will enhance your child's learning.
Progress Monitoring
Progress Monitoring on a bi-weekly basis their class course work, the assigned homework, and the number of completed assignments turned in. This also includes twice-weekly monitoring of the grades on Infinite Campus.
Online Educational Coaching Sites
Ed Coaching can provide limited memberships/license advisement regarding different online education sites. These sites coupled with oversite support can greatly enhance your child's individualized educational experience. As I have said before, what may be right for one student is not necessarily right for another.